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The Best Way to Store Furniture


It’s not easy to keep furniture in storage and make sure that nothing will happen to it. However, you can still store your furniture safely when you follow these simple tips.

Tip #1: Store your Furniture in a Place with Sealed Floors

Dust and dirt will have a hard time infiltrating the storage with sealed floors. Such storage provides the best environment for your furniture. Even if you wrap your pieces of furniture to prevent dust from covering the surfaces, it will only end up being futile when the floors are not sealed. Dust and dirt will still find its way to make your furniture dirty and eventually ruin it. When renting a storage space, ask if there's a space with sealed floors and rent that one to help you maintain the freshness and cleanness of your furniture.

Tip #2: Rent a Climate-Controlled Space

A space that offers climate control, which makes sure that the harmful elements caused by changing climates will not occur, can provide the best protection against mold, mildew, and others. Climate change can affect around 90% of your furniture. To prevent incurring damage due to a change in climate, you need to store your furniture in a climate-controlled space.

However, some facilities say they offer climate-controlled space but actually do not. These facilities often have an open-air system and say that space provides a climate-controlled environment. Their idea of climate-controlled storage is to replace the walls with fences that stand 8 feet tall - not a good choice. To know that you will be getting a climate-controlled storage space, you should see climate-controlling ventilation inside the unit. Having the right room temperature is the best way to keep your furniture safe.

Tip #3: Wrap the Furniture Using the Right Packaging Material

After wrapping the furniture properly, arrange it into the unit carefully. You may use specialty boxes to pack small pieces of furniture. The idea is to ensure that your items are kept properly in a stable position to avoid breakage. You should avoid putting other items on top of your pieces of furniture to prevent adding pressure on the items below and damaging them. You can store the boxed items together alongside each other and make sure to position them in a way that the items inside will get the protection they need.

Tip #4: Choose the Storage Facility that Offers the Best Protection

Your efforts in packing your pieces of furniture carefully and putting them in a safe and secure position inside the storage space will amount to nothing, if the facility doesn’t have tight security. Before you seal the deal with the storage company, review their security measures, and make sure that they can provide the kind of security you seek for your stored items. There should be CCTV cameras and each unit has a proper lock and key to prevent thieves from stealing your items.

Tip #5: Hire a Professional Mover to Help you Stack

A reputable, professional mover is so efficient and effective in loading the pieces of furniture into the truck and stacking them in the storage space. Their people know where to put the pieces to save space and make sure that each piece of furniture is safe and secure in its place. You can tell them to provide an aisle in your storage space so you can access the items, which you may need to pull out sometime later, easily.

Tip #6: Gather Loose, Small Items and Put them in a Box with Proper Labeling

If you need to disassemble certain furniture, make sure to collect all the screws and small attachments and put them in a box. Label the box so you will know where to look later. Breaking down an item can save you much space when you store it.

Tip #7: Clean All the Items Before you Store them

Always clean any item before you store it. This can prevent deterioration. Make sure to vacuum your sofa before wrapping it and putting it in a storage facility. This can prevent pests from invading your storage space.

Keep these things in mind, and you will surely help your pieces of furniture to remain in their pristine condition for years to come. Contact us today - (585) 500-8291



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